Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday's In-Class Assignment

We last looked at Athens in 399, when the Trial of Socrates took place. While the city-state would never again reach the heights it enjoyed in the previous century, it remained stable, independent, and culturally-rich for the next 61 years. In 338, however, the Macedonians took control of greater Greece, signaling an end to Athenian independence and democracy, along with the rise of Phillip II and his son Alexander (who quickly exhibited his greatness).

As we transition to a quick look at the brief but glorious ascent of Alexander the Great, I would like you to spend this class period identifying the key events between 399 and 338 BC. Working in small groups, please respond to the following questions with the most detail possible, in your own words. Keep a list of reliable sources and explain why you find each to be responsible.
  1. What do you think were the three most important developments in Athens between 399 and 338 BC? These could be battles for power, political changes, economic problems, social developments, or anything else that strikes you as relevant.
  2. What do you think were the three most important developments in Greece between 399 and 338 BC? (Sure, Athens is part of Greece, but look beyond Athens here.)
  3. How did Macedonia develop from a semi-Greek backwater into the most powerful force in the west? What were the secrets of their success?
Work together to prepare one post. All group members should be involved in answering each question. In other words, I don't want you to divide the list of questions. Collectively prepare the answer to each one.

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