Thursday, February 25, 2010

Questions for Today's Reading for 9r

1) Augustus gains power in Rome at the conclusion of the 3rd Stage of the Roman Republic, which you examined in your distillation paragraphs yesterday. How did Augustus bring stability back to Rome? Why was he able to gain power and hold it for so long? Why was he successful, when Marius, Sulla, Pompey, and Julius Caesar all failed?

2) The Rape of Lucretia is an interesting story on its own, but it is also an allegory. Read the last paragraph very carefully. What might the events described in that paragraph represent? To put it another way, what larger historical events in the Roman Republic is Livy alluding to here?

3) What values are promoted by the story of the Horatii and Curiatii and why would Augustus want to emphasize them after the last 100 years of the Roman Republic?

Please submit responses on a sheet of paper with proper MLA heading.

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