Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 3 - Acropolis and Agora

When we woke up this morning everyone went down stairs for breakfast at 7:30. Then we walked from our hostel to the Acropolis which you could see from the streets. It was a lot of uphill walking but it wasn't as far as we thought it would be. First we went to Areopagus Hill and you could see most of Athens from this point. After that we walked up to the main entrance of the Acropolis and we adopted a stray dog (there are so many stray dogs in Athens it's unbelievable. Each one fights to adopt a group of tourists) The Acropolis was kind of like a castle, but it wasn't used on an everyday basis. After our visit to the Acropolis, we walked to the Agora. This was used as a public place where people could go to speak to crowds, trade, craftsmen could work, and many other things. Sam and Kamron were the presenters for the Acropolis and Adam presented at the Agora.

When we finished we separated into small groups and went out to lunch. I ate a wrap with chicken. It's was DELISH. Maggie had spanakopita, which is like a pastry with spinach inside. Once we finished eating we met back at the Acropolis Museum. Many of the surviving artifacts are located there, including the entire frieze (the top facades).

After the museum we split up again, some went shopping, while others went to the Olympic Stadium (the original one!). Most of them actually ran on the track where the very first Olympic games took place. we got back to the hostel, we spilt into groups again and went shopping around. Everyone met back in the boys room for our group meeting, where we discussed our feelings on what we think about people being kicked out of their homes in order to uncover archaeological ruins. We are all getting ready for bed now. Tomorrow we have a long bus ride to Delphi. One more day before heading to Naples!

Chianne Connelly and Maggie Holgate
Tesseract 9th Grade Students

1 comment:

  1. These blogs are great...thanks for doing this...Mrs. Holgate
