Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 9 - Cuma, Hell, and the road to Rome

Last night we got little sleep because of the fireworks that went off for the 150th anniversary of Italy. The first stop this morning was Cuma Acropolis. A Greek colony dating back to 750 BC. Mr. Whitson told us about the site then took us down to where people thought the entrance to hell was. We then went to the top of the hill where the Temple of Apollo was. The site was amazing, we looked out and saw the ocean and next to it was the woods.

Our second stop was Sybyll's Cave, the more widely accepted entrance to hell. The Sybyll's was the gatekeeper to hell, located directly below Apollo's temple. Along the way we passed a lake that was massive. An old man greeted us at the entrance of the cave. His family has owned the land the cave is on for generations He told us the cave was made from a volcano that exploded and it went down a mile. He lite some torches and handed them out and we started our decent to hell. We got to small tunnel on the right that led down to the River Styx. We all took turns and went down the tunnel and touched the water. Lily and Chianne got scared so they went back to wait outside. After everyone finished touching the water we got back up and went on to the next tunnel. The tunnel led us down to place where travelers would ask the Sybyll for their future. The old man led us back to the beginning of the tunnel and we thanked him, left, and started our bus ride to Rome. It took 3 hours to get and everyone was already tired. The apartment we are staying at is really cool, but we only got to enjoy it for and hour and on we were again walking the streets of Rome. We settled at the Piazza Nuovo and split up into small groups and went to dinner. We started to leave and then a rave started in the middle of the plaza. We got home, had our group meeting and, then some people went of to fight for the laundry or went to bed.

Colton Aboussafy
Tesseract 9th Grade Student


Suspected tunnel to hell in Cuma

View from Cuma

Temple of Jupiter in Cuma

The road to Sybill's Cave

Inside Sybyll's Cave

Tunnel down to the River Styx

The River Styx

The way to the Sybyll's Lair

Our Rome apartment

Rome (so far...)

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