Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 8 - Island of Capri

The morning started with us waking up to the sound of the rooster who wakes us daily. After breakfast we jumped on the bus and headed to the dock, where we later boarded the boat. The ride to Capri was brief, and we soon headed to Villa Jovis, Derek's site. After a long walk uphill we finally reached our destination. To our disappointment, the sky was foggy, and we were not able to see the amazing views that were expected. Afterwards, we headed back down from Villa Jovis and split into groups to shop and wander around the town of Capri. At 3:30 PM, the majority of the group headed to a ski lift, where we then saw a spectacular view from the highest point of Capri. We also had the pleasure of hiking all the way back down, where most of us got lost. The few who stayed behind shopped around more until we all met up at 4:30 PM. At last, altogether, we walked down what seemed like a million stairs to the dock once again. Most of us went to the beach on the Mediterranean Sea, where some of us got soaked as well. Finally, we all met up again to board the boat back to the mainland, onto a bus, and finally, back to Villa Vergiliana.
One of the highlights of the day was when Adam got soaked on the beach, and to his dismay, his wallet was drenched as well. Mr. Whitson had informed us earlier that we needed our ticket stub from the first boat ride in order to board on the boat ride home. To Adam's dismay, his ticket stub was in his wallet, which was now thoroughly soaked through, including his ticket. he ended up freaking out, thinking he would be stuck on the island forever. Lily ended up running through shops in an attempt to find tape to repair Adam's ripped ticket. She was able to piece back the ticket, but in the end, it didn't even matter, as Mr. Whitson revealed that the ticket stub was unnecessary. Adam was relieved, but also rather irritated, especially because he was still sopping wet. At the end of the day, we finally reached the villa, where we ate a delicious dinner, followed by packing. After showers, we all headed to bed to get a good nights rest for a long ride to Rome tomorrow.

Lily Munoz and Alyssa Lamb
Tesseract 9th Grade Students

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