Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 1: Arrival, Sperlonga, Capua

This post was written by Nathan Landau:

Hello readers, This is the first day of the 13 day long 9th grade class tip to Italy and Greece. It all started at around 4:30 am where just about everyone one in the class showed up at Sky Harbor Air Port and even though it was early, everyone was exited and ready to go. We walk through check in and security and boarded our first plane to Atalanta with no problems. The plane ride went by quick and before long, we were in Atlanta waiting to board our flight to Italy. That flight was a lot longer and was also over night. Which made it necessary to sleep. However, I believe most of us were not too successful at that task. After about nine and a half hours on that plane, we loaded ourselves on a bus were we were taken to Sperlonga which is the former home of Emperor Tiberius's villa. Tiberius was the second emperor of Rome who did just about nothing to expand and develop Rome. In fact for about the last 10 years of his life he spent his entire time away from Rome, in his villa. Which is one reason why that villa is so extravagant and important. After we departed from Sperlonga, we headed over to the town and the Gladiatorial museum of Capua. This was the second largest arena in Rome were many famous battles were held including Spartacus's revolt, which originated in that arena. It was also a housing ground for the Carthaginian military when Capua opened its doors to them. We shortly left there and headed to a small villa via the bus. We are all tired and anxious to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Nathan - "villa via" - we should write a song..

