Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 2: Pompeii and NAM

This post was written by Sarah:

Hello parents! I know if you are like my parents you have been refreshing this blog like crazy so I shall try to write fast. Today we went to Pompeii, Emilie and I (Szarrah) were the first tour guides there. And let me tell you, planning a whole tour throughout a city of originally 20,000 is pretty hard. You get there and it looks nothing like the picture in your head. Luckly, my amazing map skills saved us and ensured we got to see all the cool places we wanted everyone to see.

We next went to the museum. You were literally looking at GIGANTIC statues that looked so real I thought they would get up and move. They were so detailed you could see their veins. Then we just chilled in Naples with gelato. It was GREEATTT.

The defining moment of the trip for me today was when I woke up. I got up at 7 and woke up my room mates. We got dressed, packed our day packs, and were getting ready to head downstais when Michelle looked at the clock. NOT 7, but 4. AM.. ya I will never live that down.

OXOXO, Sarah

p.s. HI MOM

1 comment:

  1. Aplontis an amazing place. It is a Roman villa that has some of the most amazingly preserved mosaics. The mosais are aound 10-25 feet tall and about 5-20 feet wide! They are beautiful also. The colors are amazinly well pfreserved and there are no large portions mising. Many of them are closer to perfection than anyone oculd have hoped for and we spend nearly two hours walking around look at them.
    Cuma-Is a small entrance to hell. We went there then hiked up the mountain to the temple of apollo.
    Herculeanum was another ancient city much like Pompii. It is much smaller and was a very interesting place to visit and view the mosaics.
