Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 4: Capri

This post was written by Wasnaa and Victoria:

Today we woke up (as usual) but had a little different schedule than usual. We all loaded on the bus and took it to a harbor where we got to get on a BOAT!!! The boat took us to the island of Capri where we took everyone on a very long walk through the island to see the sites of Palazzo a Mare, Via Tiberio and Villa Jovis where we made our speeches.

Everyone LOVED the walks, especially going uphill. Villa Jovis was very big and high up - talk about living on a cliff! After visiting the ruins we went back down, where we met and broke up into smaller groups depending on what you wanted to do. There was the option of hiking, eating and walking around, or shopping. I (Victoria) went with the group that went to eat. The food was DELICIOUS and soon after we went back to the dock and got to walk around. I (Wasnaa) went shopping halfway up the hill with my friends and when we were done shoping we went to eat, and then we headed back down to meet with the rest of the group. The third group got to go hiking and saw a lot more gorgeous ruins, with tons of stairs. They took lots of beautiful pictures. After we all regrouped we got on the BOAAAT and took it back to the harbour where we loaded back onto the bus and headed to Villa Vergiliana.

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