Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 10: Flying to Greece, Delphi

This post was written by Jacob and David:

This morning was a rush. My (David's) room was woken up by Arron's sci-fi music, while Mr. Labonte woke up the rest of us early to get ready to leave for the airport. After arriving by train at the airport, everyone was freaking out about whether their bag was going to fit the length requirement; of course, 3 people's bags were too big and had to be checked. The flight took two hours, during which most of us slept. Those who were awake, though, had a really cool ride, because almost the instant we were in the air we were over the ocean and saw islands the whole way.

After landing, we immediately noticed some of the differences between Greece and Italy. In particular, Greece seemed much more mountainous. A chartered bus picked us up at the airport and we immediately started driving for Dephi - a very long drive. Once there, we visited the Oracle, where people got advice from the god Apollo. Dave told us that fissures in the earth brought up gases right to the oracle's spot and likely produced hallucinations. Finally, we made it to the hotel, a very nice and calming place, and then had dinner and a 45 minute conversation, while there were dogs barking and children crying right beside us.. Overall, it was a tiring but good day. It ended with my (David's) group scaring ourselves by talking about the Shining and Quarantine. It really freaked all of us out.

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