Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 3: Herculaneum, Oplontis, and Cuma

This post was written by Jordan and Nat:

Oplontis is an amazing place. It is a Roman villa that has some of the most amazingly preserved frescoes. The frescoes fill the rooms completely and are really beautiful. The colors are amazingly well preserved. Many of them are closer to perfection than anyone could have hoped for and we spent nearly two hours walking around to look at them. Cuma includes a small entrance to hell. We went there and then hiked up the mountain to the Temple of Apollo. Herculeanum was another ancient city much like Pompeii. It is much smaller and was a very interesting place to visit and view the mosaics.

1 comment:

  1. Pizza man, figure out how to send us an email one of these days. No one mentioned the food - any good?
    P.S. Spell check is a good idea
